Monetizing the Cannabis Genome
Genomics Driving Multibillion Cannabis/Hemp Markets
Part one
“Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere.” -- George Washington, First President of the United States
This is the initial post in a planned regular blog for High Kings of Tara. Our posts will continue an original three-part 2018 Tech News World series titled “DNA Printing in the Cloud,” which explored the science and technology behind artificial gene sequencing and synthesis and protein production in plants like lettuce or biofuels biomass like algae, turning sequential “bioinformatic” genomic computer code into viable, functional genetic material for use in commercial products.
Each week High Kings of Tara will detail how techniques like gene editing are currently impacting the rapidly growing and evolving multi-billion-dollar Cannabis/Hemp industries.
Next up: the 0.3% THC Rule